C++ Best Practices – Returning Reference vs Object


I'm trying to learn C++, and trying to understand returning objects. I seem to see 2 ways of doing this, and need to understand what is the best practice.

Option 1:

QList<Weight *> ret;
Weight *weight = new Weight(cname, "Weight");
return &ret;

Option 2:

QList<Weight *> *ret = new QList();
Weight *weight = new Weight(cname, "Weight");
return ret;

(of course, I may not understand this yet either).

Which way is considered best-practice, and should be followed?

Best Answer

Option 1 is defective. When you declare an object

QList<Weight *> ret;

it only lives in the local scope. It is destroyed when the function exits. However, you can make this work with

return ret; // no "&"

Now, although ret is destroyed, a copy is made first and passed back to the caller.

This is the generally preferred methodology. In fact, the copy-and-destroy operation (which accomplishes nothing, really) is usually elided, or optimized out and you get a fast, elegant program.

Option 2 works, but then you have a pointer to the heap. One way of looking at C++ is that the purpose of the language is to avoid manual memory management such as that. Sometimes you do want to manage objects on the heap, but option 1 still allows that:

QList<Weight *> *myList = new QList<Weight *>( getWeights() );

where getWeights is your example function. (In this case, you may have to define a copy constructor QList::QList( QList const & ), but like the previous example, it will probably not get called.)

Likewise, you probably should avoid having a list of pointers. The list should store the objects directly. Try using std::list… practice with the language features is more important than practice implementing data structures.

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