C++14 Variable Templates – Purpose and Usage Examples


C++14 will allow the creation of variables that are templated. The usual example is a variable 'pi' that can be read to get the value of the mathematical constant π for various types (3 for int; the closest value possible with float, etc.)

Besides that we can have this feature just by wrapping a variable within a templated struct or class, how does this mix with type conversions? I see some overlapping.

And other than the pi example, how would it work with non-const variables? Are there any usage examples to understand how to make the most of such a feature and what its purpose is?

Best Answer

we can have this feature just by wrapping a variable within a templated struct or class

Yes, but that would be gratuitous syntactic salt. Not healthy for the blood pressure.

pi<double> conveys the intent better than pi<double>::value. Short and to the point. That's enough of a reason in my book to allow and encourage this syntax.

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