Python Compatibility – Can __future__ Import Guarantee Python 2 and 3 Compatibility


I'm not interested in warming up the "Python 2 or Python 3?" questions (even though the most recent one I found is over one year old), but I stumbled upon this claim:

You can write the Python 3 code under Python 2 if your file begins
with the line:

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, generators, unicode_literals, print_function, nested_scopes, with_statement

With that line in place, your code will work with either Python 2 or
Python 3. There may be rare cases in which it doesn't work, but I have
not found any,

Is this true? Is this single line enough to make sure the code you write will run on both Python 2.x (>=2.5 I assume) and 3.x (assuming the modules imported are available in both)?

Best Answer

I would say that no, this is baloney. Even with those imports, there are still significant differences between Python 2 and 3: for example, input() in Python 3 is like raw_input() in Python 2; range() in Python 3 is like xrange() in Python 2. In the case of xrange() you could probably get away with using range() in Python 2 as long as the ranges are small, but if they're large, your program could have very different memory usage under Python 2 and Python 3.

You could add something like this to your code:

    range = xrange
    input = raw_input
except NameError:

But then you've got to find all those edge cases and fix them up. For example, there are the keys() and values() methods of dict that return iterators in Python 3 but lists in Python 2, so you'd need to write a dict subclass that "fixes" that (and then never use dictionary literals in your code without wrapping them, since those would otherwise be of the built-in dict type).

I suppose that, by using __future__ and various fix-ups, and by limiting yourself to writing code in a subset of Python thus created that will run under both 2.x and 3.x, it might be possible to write code that runs in both versions. Seems like a lot of work, though. There's a reason there's a 2to3 utility...

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