C++ Constructor Chaining – How to Call a Constructor from Another Constructor


As a C# developer I'm used to running through constructors:

class Test {
    public Test() {

    public Test(int count) : this() {

    public Test(int count, string name) : this(count) {

Is there a way to do this in C++?

I tried calling the Class name and using the 'this' keyword, but both fail.

Best Answer

C++11: Yes!

C++11 and onwards has this same feature (called delegating constructors).

The syntax is slightly different from C#:

class Foo {
  Foo(char x, int y) {}
  Foo(int y) : Foo('a', y) {}

C++03: No

Unfortunately, there's no way to do this in C++03, but there are two ways of simulating this:

  1. You can combine two (or more) constructors via default parameters:

    class Foo {
      Foo(char x, int y=0);  // combines two constructors (char) and (char, int)
      // ...
  2. Use an init method to share common code:

    class Foo {
      Foo(char x);
      Foo(char x, int y);
      // ...
      void init(char x, int y);
    Foo::Foo(char x)
      init(x, int(x) + 7);
      // ...
    Foo::Foo(char x, int y)
      init(x, y);
      // ...
    void Foo::init(char x, int y)
      // ...

See the C++FAQ entry for reference.

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