Google Chrome – Disable Web Security in Chrome 49+


Today (Mar, 15, 2016) chrome stopped working with the –disable-web-security flag. I have tried the following options described in various posts:
1) Kill all instances of Chrome.exe in the windows task manager.
2) add the –use-data-dir flag, there is a current post regarding this, but the answers there do not work anymore

Here is my script I am using:

start chrome.exe –disable-web-security –allow-running-insecure-content –use-data-dir=c:/temp/chrome_dev

Chrome opens under this script with the disable security warning but localhost cross domain calls still fail:

enter image description here

Best Answer

I have solutions that are using --disable-web-security.

Finally I found solution. Now chrome just will accept it if you set --user-data-dir together. You will have different instances when you use it. Try it:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="D:\chrome"