JavaScript – How to Circumvent Same-Origin Policy for a Third-Party HTTPS Site


I have a http:// site that needs to access a 3rd party JSON API that is exposed on an https:// site. I've read through Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy, but it seems the methods described there aren't appropriate for me:

  1. The document.domain method – only works on subdomains.
  2. The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing method – requires server cooperation.
  3. The window.postMessage method – seems to require opening a popup window?
  4. The Reverse Proxy method – A possible solution, but seems a bit too hard to setup.
  5. – seems to not support SSL.

Is this it? Must I implement solution 4, which seems rather complicated, or am I missing something?

Best Answer

Sorry, it seems that does support https.

The reason I naively thought it doesn't, is because the API in question returns JSON, and I thought I would actually just get a plain text response (as in my tests with using on When it returned just an object, I figured something was broken.

It appears the object simply returns the parsed JSON, so I'm good to go!

Update - stopped working with some https sites a few weeks after I posted this, so I went ahead and wrote, an open source alternative to anyorigin.

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