SQL Server – Concatenate Column Values for Rows with the Same Values


SQL Server 2005

I have a table which returns

ID  name    prop    value
1   one     Prop1   a
1   one     Prop1   b
1   one     Prop2   c
2   two     Prop1   d
2   two     Prop2   e

How can I run a select on it to return

ID  name    prop        value
1   one     Prop1       a,b
1   one     Prop2       c
2   two     Prop1       d
2   two     Prop2       e

Best Answer

try this:

--Concatenation with FOR XML and eleminating control/encoded character expansion "& < >"
set nocount on;
declare @YourTable table (RowID int, RowName varchar(5), prop varchar(5), RowValue varchar(5))

insert into @YourTable VALUES (1,'one','Prop1','a')
insert into @YourTable VALUES (1,'one','Prop1','b')
insert into @YourTable VALUES (1,'one','Prop2','c')
insert into @YourTable VALUES (2,'two','Prop1','d')
insert into @YourTable VALUES (2,'two','Prop2','e')
set nocount off

                        ', ' + t2.RowValue
                        FROM @YourTable t2
                        WHERE t1.RowID=t2.RowID AND t1.RowName=t2.RowName AND t1.Prop=t2.Prop
                        ORDER BY t2.RowValue
                        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                   ,1,2, ''
              ) AS ChildValues
    FROM @YourTable t1
    GROUP BY t1.RowID,t1.RowName,t1.Prop


RowID       RowName Prop  ChildValues
----------- ------- ----- ------------
1           one     Prop1 a, b
1           one     Prop2 c
2           two     Prop1 d
2           two     Prop2 e

(4 row(s) affected)
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