C# Constants – const vs. readonly in .NET


Today I found an article where a const field is called compile-time constant while a readonly field is called runtime constant. The two phrases come from 《Effective C#》. I searched in MSDN and the language spec, find nothing about runtime constant.

No offensive but I don't think runtime constant is a proper phrase.

private readonly string foo = "bar";

creates a variable named "foo", whose value is "bar", and the value is readonly, here it is a variable, no business on constant. A readonly variable is still a variable, it can't be a constant. Variable and constant are mutually exclusive.

Maybe this question goes overboard, still I want to listen to others' opinions. What do you think?

Best Answer

I believe that author means the following:

Consider example:

public class A {

     public const int a = Compute();         

     private static int Compute(){

          /*some computation and return*/ 
          return some_computed_value;

this, will not compile, as you have to have constant value to assign to a . So this is a meaning of compile-time constant .

Instead if you change this to

public class A {

     public readonly int a = Compute();          

     private static int Compute(){
          /*some computation and return*/ 
          return some_computed_value;

this will compile. It at runtime makes a computation and assign it to a. This is a meaning of runtime constant