Convert Date to Timestamp in JavaScript – How to Guide


I want to convert date to timestamp, my input is 26-02-2012. I used

new Date(myDate).getTime();

It says NaN.. Can any one tell how to convert this?

Best Answer

Split the string into its parts and provide them directly to the Date constructor:


var myDate = "26-02-2012";
myDate = myDate.split("-");
var newDate = new Date( myDate[2], myDate[1] - 1, myDate[0]);

Updated: Also, you can use a regular expression to split the string, for example:

const dtStr = "26/02/2012";
const [d, m, y] = dtStr.split(/-|\//); // splits "26-02-2012" or "26/02/2012"
const date = new Date(y, m - 1, d);

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