Java FileInputStream – How to Convert to String


In my java project, I'm passing FileInputStream to a function,
I need to convert (typecast FileInputStream to string),
How to do it.??

public static void checkfor(FileInputStream fis) {
   String a=new String;
   a=fis         //how to do convert fileInputStream into string
   print string here

Best Answer

You can't directly convert it to string. You should implement something like this Add this code to your method

    //Commented this out because this is not the efficient way to achieve that
    //StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    //int ch;
    //while((ch = != -1){
    //  builder.append((char)ch);

Use Aubin's solution:

public static String getFileContent(
   FileInputStream fis,
   String          encoding ) throws IOException
   try( BufferedReader br =
           new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(fis, encoding )))
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      String line;
      while(( line = br.readLine()) != null ) {
         sb.append( line );
         sb.append( '\n' );
      return sb.toString();