CORS Request Fails in Chrome Only if It Has Headers


I'm trying to send simple CORS request to external application server which uses session key for authorization.

    type: "GET",
    url: "",
    headers: {"Authorization": "3238562439e44fcab4036a24a1e6b0fb"}

It works fine in Firefox 18, Opera 12.12 and Rekonq 2.0 (uses also WebKit) but doesn't work in Google Chrome (tried versions 21 and 24). In Google Chrome it shows OPTIONS Resource failed to load in Network Inspector and application server doesn't get any request. I've tried jQuery 1.8.3 and 1.9.0.

Request URL:
Request Headers
Access-Control-Request-Headers:accept, authorization, origin

If I remove headers from the request then I receive 401 also in Google Chrome and it's able to access the resource in case of authorization is disabled on application server. It doesn't matter which headers are sent. Only header I'm able to send is {"Content-Type": "plain/text"}. All other header names/values give an error in Google Chrome but work in all browsers I mentioned above.

Why Google Chrome doesn't handle headers in CORS request?

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