Java 8 Stream – How to Create a Stream from an Iterator


Is it possible to create a Stream from an Iterator, in which the sequence of objects is the same as that generated by calling the iterator's next() method repeatedly? The specific case I am thinking of concerns the use of the iterator returned by TreeSet.descendingIterator(), but I can imagine other circumstances in which an iterator, but not the collection it references, is available.

For example, for a TreeSet<T> tset we can write and get a stream of the objects in that set, in the set's sort order, but what if we want them in a different order, such as that available through using descendingIterator()? I am imagining something like tset.descendingIterator().stream()... or stream( tset.descendingIterator() )..., though neither of these forms are valid.

Best Answer

static <T> Stream<T> iteratorToFiniteStream(final Iterator<T> iterator) {
    return, 0), false);

static <T> Stream<T> iteratorToInfiniteStream(final Iterator<T> iterator) {
    return Stream.generate(iterator::next);
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