C# – How to Create an Instance of a Generic Type with a Parameterized Constructor


I'm trying to write a helper method that would log a message and throw an exception of a specified type with the same message. I have the following:

private void LogAndThrow<TException>(string message, params object[] args) where TException : Exception, new()
    message = string.Format(message, args);
    throw new TException(message);

Before adding the new() constraint the compiler complained that without it I can't instantiate TException. Now the error message I get is "Cannot provide arguments when creating an instance of a type parameter 'TException'". I tried creating the instance with the parameterless constructor and then set the Message property but it's read-only.

Is this a limitation of the language or is there a solution I don't know about? Maybe I could use reflection but that's overkill for such a simple task. (And pretty ugly, but that's a matter of personal opinion.)

Best Answer

You can use Activator.CreateInstance() (which allows you to pass in arguments) to create an instance of TException. Then, you could throw the created TException.

For example:

private void LogAndThrow<TException>(string message, params object[] args) where TException : Exception, new()
    message = string.Format(message, args);

    TException exception = (TException)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TException), message);
    throw exception;
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