Python – Does Import Order Matter


I read here about sorting your import statements in Python, but what if the thing you are importing needs dependencies that have not been imported yet? Is this the difference between compiled languages and interpreted? I come from a JavaScript background and the order in which you load your scripts matter, whereas Python appears not to care. Thanks.

Best Answer

Import order does not matter. If a module relies on other modules, it needs to import them itself. Python treats each .py file as a self-contained unit as far as what's visible in that file.

(Technically, changing import order could change behavior, because modules can have initialization code that runs when they are first imported. If that initialization code has side effects it's possible for modules to have interactions with each other. However, this would be a design flaw in those modules. Import order is not supposed to matter, so initialization code should also be written to not depend on any particular ordering.)

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