iOS Xcode – Fix Entitlements Don’t Match Provisioning Profile (0xE8008016)


today I finally got my Company-Developer-Account. I'm working on an App, first on my private Account and today I wanted to move the App to the company account. So I created a new Bundle-Identifier on and changed the Bundle-Identifier also in my Xcode-Project. Furthermore, I've added the Account to Xcode, changed Signing to my new Company Account and let Xcode fix the Provisioning-File-Troubles. (In Xcode I see two Team-Members from one Account, one is Agent, the other User. Maybe it's important that I've choose the Agent-Team-Member. Unfortunately I can't change because then I get the error "change to a unique bundle-id, because the bundle-id is already on the Agent-Team?^^) Running with the Simulator works fine, but when I want to test on my Phone I get the following Error: The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file are invalid, not permitted, or do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016).

If I press the I next to the provisioning file, I see the following Entitlements:
enter image description here

And under Entitlements I've just the Push-Notifications enabled. But this was like this before changing Bundle Identifier

Best Answer

I had this same problem and none of the solutions I found on stack overflow, or github worked for me.

Here's my solution:

  1. Select your project in the Project navigator enter image
description here

  2. Select the "General" tab.

  3. To the left of the "General" tab, select your target to the left; (this should show a dropdown with a list of targets)

  4. Below your current target you should see an item {your project}Tests; select that.

  5. Check the signing properties in the general tab and make sure they are valid.

This was the problem for me. Hope it helps.

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