iOS Objective-C – Find Range of Substring in String


I am trying to figure out how to get a range of a substring within a string. By range I mean where the substring begins and where it ends. So if I have following string example:

NSString *testString=@"hello everyone how are you doing today?Thank you!";

If the substring I am looking for (in this example) is "how are you doing", then the beginning range should be 15 and the ending range should 31.

  (15, 31)

Can anyone tell me how I could do this programatically? Thank you!

Best Answer

You can use the method -rangeOfString to find the location of a substring in a string. You can then compare the location of the range to NSNotFound to see if the string actually does contain the substring.

NSRange range = [testString rangeOfString:@"how are you doing"];

if (range.location == NSNotFound) {
    NSLog(@"The string (testString) does not contain 'how are you doing' as a substring");
else {
    NSLog(@"Found the range of the substring at (%d, %d)", range.location, range.location + range.length);        
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