C# Reflection – How to Get Current Property Name


I would like to get property name when I'm in it via reflection. Is it possible?

I have code like this:

public CarType Car
    get { return (Wheel) this["Wheel"];}
    set { this["Wheel"] = value; }

And because I need more properties like this I would like to do something like this:

public CarType Car
    get { return (Wheel) this[GetThisPropertyName()];}
    set { this[GetThisPropertyName()] = value; }

Best Answer

Since properties are really just methods you can do this and clean up the get_ returned:

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program p = new Program();
            var x = p.Something;

        public string Something
                return MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;

If you profile the performance you should find MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() is miles faster than StackFrame. In .NET 1.1 you will also have issues with StackFrame in release mode (from memory I think I found it was 3x faster).

That said I'm sure the performance issue won't cause too much of a problem- though an interesting discussion on StackFrame slowness can be found here.

I guess another option if you were concerned about performance would be to create a Visual Studio Intellisense Code Snippet that creates the property for you and also creates a string that corresponds to the property name.