Git Ignore Changes – How to Ignore Changes to a Tracked File in Git


I have a file with database settings in my project which I have set to some defaults. The file is tracked by Git and checked in. Since this file will be edited with different values various developer machines, is there a way I can tell Git to ignore new changes to this file?

I tried adding the file to the .gitignore file, but since the file is tracked it isn't ignored. This is alright and good in other situations, but I am wondering if there is something I can do here?

Best Answer

One may use git update-index --skip-worktree FILE for this purpose.

It is similar to --assume-unchanged but, unlike --assume-unchanged, is not just an unpredictable performance trick.

To cancel --skip-worktree effects and unset the flag use --no-skip-worktree.


  • This flag is for local repository only and cannot be pushed to the remote. Thus every clone that needs to ignore the file should do it manually.
  • You may face conflicts when switching to another branch or using git pull. (more details)