Golang – How Different Types Implement the Same Method Using Interfaces


Say I have two structs:

type First struct {
    str string
type Second struct {
    str string

And I want both of them to implement interface A:

type A interface {
    PrintStr() //print First.str or Second.str

It seems redundant to have an implementation for both First and Second structs like so:

func (f First) PrintStr() {

func (s Second) PrintStr() {

Is there a way I can have one implementation for all the structs implementing interface A? Something like this, but it doesn't seem to work:

func (a A) PrintStr() {

Thank you!

Best Answer

No you can't, but you could create a base type and then embed it into your 2 struct, therefore only needing an implementation for the base type:

type WithString struct {
    str string

type First struct {

type Second struct {

type A interface {
    PrintStr() //print First.str or Second.str

func (w WithString) PrintStr() {


a := First{
    WithString: WithString{
        str: "foo",

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