C – Why an Array’s Address Equals Its Value


In the following bit of code, pointer values and pointer addresses differ as expected.

But array values and addresses don't!

How can this be?


my_array = 0022FF00
&my_array = 0022FF00
pointer_to_array = 0022FF00
&pointer_to_array = 0022FEFC
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  char my_array[100] = "some cool string";
  printf("my_array = %p\n", my_array);
  printf("&my_array = %p\n", &my_array);

  char *pointer_to_array = my_array;
  printf("pointer_to_array = %p\n", pointer_to_array);
  printf("&pointer_to_array = %p\n", &pointer_to_array);

  printf("Press ENTER to continue...\n");
  return 0;

Best Answer

The name of an array usually evaluates to the address of the first element of the array, so array and &array have the same value (but different types, so array+1 and &array+1 will not be equal if the array is more than 1 element long).

There are two exceptions to this: when the array name is an operand of sizeof or unary & (address-of), the name refers to the array object itself. Thus sizeof array gives you the size in bytes of the entire array, not the size of a pointer.

For an array defined as T array[size], it will have type T *. When/if you increment it, you get to the next element in the array.

&array evaluates to the same address, but given the same definition, it creates a pointer of the type T(*)[size] -- i.e., it's a pointer to an array, not to a single element. If you increment this pointer, it'll add the size of the entire array, not the size of a single element. For example, with code like this:

char array[16];
printf("%p\t%p", (void*)&array, (void*)(&array+1));

We can expect the second pointer to be 16 greater than the first (because it's an array of 16 char's). Since %p typically converts pointers in hexadecimal, it might look something like:

0x12341000    0x12341010
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