Python List Flattening – How to Flatten a List of Lists One Step


I have a list of lists of tuples

A= [ [(1,2,3),(4,5,6)], [(7,8,9),(8,7,6),(5,4,3)],[(2,1,0),(1,3,5)] ]

The outer list can have any number of inner lists, the inner lists can have any number of tuples, a tuple always has 3 integers.

I want to generate all combination of tuples, one from each list:


A simple way to do it is to use a function similar to itertools.poduct()
but it must be called like this

itertools.product([(1,2,3),(4,5,6)], [(7,8,9),(8,7,6),(5,4,3)],[(2,1,0),(1,3,5)])

i.e the outer list is removed. And I don't know how to do that. Is there a better way to generate all combinations of tuples?

Best Answer


For more details check the python tutorial

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