Java BigInteger Comparison in Loop Conditions – How to Guide


I am trying to compare if the value of one BigInteger(base) is > (greater than) the value of another BigInteger(prime) and if the value of 'a' is not equal to one. If value of a is not 1, it should break out of the loop. How should I compare them?

Random ran = new Random();
BigInteger prime = new BigInteger(16,ran);
BigInteger base,a,one;
one = new BigInteger("1");

for (int i = 0; i < 65535; i++){

    while (base>prime){
        base = new BigInteger(16,ran);
    a = base.modPow(prime.subtract(one),prime);
    System.out.println("a: "+a);    
    if (a != one){

Best Answer

You can compare them using BigInteger.compareTo(BigInteger).

In your case, this would be while (base.compareTo(prime) > 0) {...}.

Also, your termination condition should be changed from if (a != one) to if (!a.equals(one)) since two BigInteger variables with the same integer value are not necessarily referencing the same object (which is all that == and != test).

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