C# OOP – How to Copy an Instance of an Object


I'm trying to write some code that populates a List (actually, it's a series of Lists, but we can pretend it's just one List). The idea is to add an IPackage to the List for the total quantity of IPackage on order. See the following code:

        ParseExcel pe = new ParseExcel();
        Pinnacle p = pe.ParsePinnacleExcel();
        Rack r = new Rack(20,2,4.5,96,42,6,25*12);
        foreach (PinnacleStock ps in p.StockList.Where(x => 
                 x.ColorCode == "10" && 
                 x.PackageLength == 30.64))
            for (int i = 1; i <= ps.OnOrder; i++)

Everything seems to be working well, insofar as the IPackage is repeatedly added to the list. However, it seems that the same instance of the object is being added, i.e. the object is not being copied each time it's added to the list.

What do I need to do to ensure that a copy of the object is inserted into the list, and not just an additional reference?

Best Answer

Then you need to implement ICloneable and replace




It's up to you to decide how Clone should populate the new instance of PinnacleStock that it returns.

At the most basic level, you could say

public PinnacleStock : ICloneable {
    public PinnacleStock Clone() {
        return (PinnacleStock)this.MemberwiseClone();
    object ICloneable.Clone() {
        return Clone();
    // details

This will just do a shallow copy of PinnacleStock. Only you know if this is the correct semantics for your domain.

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