SQL Server – How to Drop a Foreign Key


I have created a foreign key (in SQL Server) by:

alter table company add CountryID varchar(3);
alter table company add constraint Company_CountryID_FK foreign key(CountryID) 
references Country;

I then run this query:

alter table company drop column CountryID;

and I get this error:

Msg 5074, Level 16, State 4, Line 2
The object 'Company_CountryID_FK' is dependent on column 'CountryID'.
Msg 4922, Level 16, State 9, Line 2
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN CountryID failed because one or more objects access this column

I have tried this, yet it does not seem to work:

alter table company drop foreign key Company_CountryID_FK; 
alter table company drop column CountryID;

What do I need to do to drop the CountryID column?


Best Answer


alter table company drop constraint Company_CountryID_FK

alter table company drop column CountryID
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