JSON Local Storage – How to Load a Local JSON File


Is there a way to configure firefox using about:config to allow local file access (for demo purposes)?

Specifically using FF12, I need to be able to have local file access to json data. It runs fine on a server, but I'd like to make this demo more portable.

            url: "../_assets/levelschema.json",
            complete: function (data) {
                Levels = data.levels;
            success: function (data) {                    
                // wont get called b/c files don't have 200 HTTP status
            async: false

I've tried setting it to not async=false, but I get a "Access to restricted URI denied" error. This is a security feature. I really need the demo to work offline, without internet access, and I'd prefer the people using it not have to install a web server. I'd also prefer not having to embed all my data in the HTML tags since that data subject to change.

Best Answer

You can flip the security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy preference in about:config. But that opens up some security holes; moving your JSON to be in a child directory of the directory the HTML is in is a much better idea.

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