C++ – Initialization of a Vector of Vectors


Is there a way to initialize a vector of vectors in the same ,quick, manner as you initialize a matrix?

typedef int type;

type matrix[2][2]=

vector<vector<type> > vectorMatrix;  //???

Best Answer

For the single vector you can use following:

typedef int type;
type elements[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
vector<int> vec(elements, elements + sizeof(elements) / sizeof(type) );

Based on that you could use following:

type matrix[2][2]=

vector<int> row_0_vec(matrix[0], matrix[0] + sizeof(matrix[0]) / sizeof(type) );

vector<int> row_1_vec(matrix[1], matrix[1] + sizeof(matrix[1]) / sizeof(type) );

vector<vector<type> > vectorMatrix;

In c++0x, you be able to initialize standard containers in a same way as arrays.

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