C++ Constexpr – Is Constexpr the New Inline?


To the best of my knowledge, the inline keyword in c++ can be traced back to old compilers (then known as "optimizing compilers") not being able to optimize as well as modern ones, so marking a function as inline told the compiler that this should be inlined, and as a side effect prevented ODR issues. As compilers got better, someone realized that the compilers can do a much better job of optimizing than the programmer, and so the inline requirement of the compiler became more of a 'hint' that most (all?) modern compilers ignore.

Enter C++11 and subsequent versions. constexpr seems to me to be in a similar situation, at least for some of its uses, specifically functions and variables. As I understand it, it tells the compiler that a certain function may be evaluated at compile time. But that is something the compiler should be able to figure out on its own. Is this feature also going to become a 'hint' once compilers get better at optimizing?

Note: I am not asking about other uses of constexpr, such as with if statements. I understand those are needed.

Best Answer

As I understand it, it tells the compiler that a certain function may be evaluated at compile time.

Not "may", but "can". The constexpr keyword does not tell the compiler what it is allowed to do (it may evaluate anything it wants at compile time). Rather the keyword tells the compiler a desired quality of the variable or function, specifically that it can be used in constant expressions. The compiler will complain (error or warning) if the program fails to live up to that desire. You get a more relevant error message than you would have gotten otherwise – the compiler can tell you why your entity does not qualify for compile-time evaluation since it knows that your intent was for the entity to be a compile-time constant.

For example, if you defined const unsigned a, it is an error to use std::array<int, a> if the value of a is not known at compile time. The error might be in the initialization of a, or it might be that the template parameter was supposed to be b instead of a. The compiler would have to report the error as "a is not a constant expression" and let the programmer investigate. On the other hand, if a was declared constexpr, the compiler would instead complain about the reason the value of a is not known at compile time, leading to less time debugging.

Without constexpr, the following code produces a possibly weak error message.

    const unsigned a = foo();
    const unsigned b = 42;

    std::array<int, a> stuff;  // Error: 'a' is not a constant expression.
    // ...

After declaring both a and foo() to be constexpr, the error disappears. Why? Because last week when you wrote foo(), the compiler was told that the function had to be usable in constant expressions. As a result, the compiler pointed out why foo() could not be evaluated at compile time, and you fixed the bug right away. That was last week, while the implementation of foo() was still fresh in your mind. Not this week, after doing a dozen other things, including the hour spent arguing with the compiler because you believed a had to be a constant expression since it was initialized with foo().

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