C++ Implementation – Detecting All Undefined Behavior


A huge number of operations in C++ result in undefined behavior, where the spec is completely mute about what the program's behavior ought to be and allows for anything to happen. Because of this, there are all sorts of cases where people have code that compiles in debug but not release mode, or that works until a seemingly unrelated change is made, or that works on one machine but not another, etc.

My question is whether there is a utility that looks at the execution of C++ code and flags all instances where the program invokes undefined behavior. While it's nice that we have tools like valgrind and checked STL implementations, these aren't as strong as what I'm thinking about – valgrind can have false negatives if you trash memory that you still have allocated, for example, and checked STL implementations won't catch deleting through a base class pointer.

Does this tool exist? Or would it even be useful to have it lying around at all?

EDIT: I am aware that in general it is undecidable to statically check whether a C++ program may ever execute something that has undefined behavior. However, it is possible to determine whether a specific execution of a C++ produced undefined behavior. One way to do this would be to make a C++ interpreter that steps through the code according to the definitions set out in the spec, at each point determining whether or not the code has undefined behavior. This won't detect undefined behavior that doesn't occur on a particular program execution, but it will find any undefined behavior that actually manifests itself in the program. This is related to how it is Turing-recognizable to determine if a TM accepts some input, even if it's still undecidable in general.


Best Answer

This is a great question, but let me give an idea for why I think it might be impossible (or at least very hard) in general.

Presumably, such an implementation would almost be a C++ interpreter, or at least a compiler for something more like Lisp or Java. It would need to keep extra data for each pointer to ensure you did not perform arithmetic outside of an array or dereference something that was already freed or whatever.

Now, consider the following code:

int *p = new int;
delete p;
int *q = new int;

if (p == q)
    *p = 17;

Is the *p = 17 undefined behavior? On the one hand, it dereferences p after it has been freed. On the other hand, dereferencing q is fine and p == q...

But that is not really the point. The point is that whether the if evaluates to true at all depends on the details of the heap implementation, which can vary from implementation to implementation. So replace *p = 17 by some actual undefined behavior, and you have a program that might very well blow up on a normal compiler but run fine on your hypothetical "UB detector". (A typical C++ implementation will use a LIFO free list, so the pointers have a good chance of being equal. A hypothetical "UB detector" might work more like a garbage collected language in order to detect use-after-free problems.)

Put another way, the existence of merely implementation-defined behavior makes it impossible to write a "UB detector" that works for all programs, I suspect.

That said, a project to create an "uber-strict C++ compiler" would be very interesting. Let me know if you want to start one. :-)

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