C++ Safety – Is There a Version Without Undefined Behavior?


Undefined behaviour in C++ can be really hard to debug. Is there a version of C++ and standard library which does not contain any undefined behaviour but rather throws exceptions? I understand that this will be a performance killer, but I only intend to use this version when I am programming, debugging and compiling in debug mode and don't really care about performance. Ideally this version would be portable and you would be able to easily switch on/off the undefined behaviour checks.

For example, you could implement a safe pointer class like so (only check for null pointer, not actually if it points to a valid block of memory):

template <typename T>
class MySafePointer {
     T* value;
      auto operator-> () {
          #ifndef DEBUG_MODE
          assert(value && "Trying to dereference a null pointer");          
          return value;
      /* Other Stuff*/


Here the user only needs to #undef DEBUG_MODE if you want to get your performance back.

Is there a library / safe version of C++ which does this?

EDIT: Changed the code above so that it actually makes more sense and doesn't throw an exception but asserts value is non-null. The question is simply a matter of having a descriptive error message vs a crash…

Best Answer

Is there a version of c++ and standard library which does not contain any undefined behaviour but rather throws exceptions?

No, there is not. As mentioned in a comment, there are Address Sanitizer and Undefined Behavior Sanitizer and many other tools you can use to hunt for bugs, but there is no "C++ without undefined behavior" implementation.

If you want an inherently safe language, choose one. C++ isn't it.