UTF-8 – Should UTF-8, 16, etc. Be Used for Everything?


I know the web is mostly standardizing towards UTF-8 lately and I was just wondering if there was any place where using UTF-8 would be a bad thing. I've heard the argument that UTF-8, 16, etc may use more space but in the end it has been negligible.

Also, what about in Windows programs, Linux shell and things of that nature — can you safely use UTF-8 there?

Best Answer

If UTF-32 is available, prefer that over the other versions for processing.

If your platform supports UTF-32/UCS-4 Unicode natively - then the "compressed" versions UTF-8 and UTF-16 may be slower, because they use varying numbers of bytes for each character (character sequences), which makes impossible to do a direct lookup in a string by index, while UTF-32 uses 32 bit "flat" for each character, speeding up some string operations a lot.

Of course, if you are programming in a very restricted environment like, say, embedded systems and can be certain there will be only ASCII or ISO 8859-x characters around, ever, then you can chose those charsets for efficiency and speed. But in general, stick with the Unicode Transformation Formats.