Java Iterator – Why Can’t Iterate Over an Iterator?


I read Why is Java's Iterator not an Iterable? and Why aren't Enumerations Iterable?, but I still don't understand why this:

void foo(Iterator<X> it) {
  for (X x : it) {

was not made possible. In other words, unless I'm missing something, the above could have been nice and valid syntactic sugar for:

void foo(Iterator<X> it) {
  for (X x; it.hasNext();) {
    x =;

Best Answer

Most likely the reason for this is because iterators are not reusable; you need to get a fresh Iterator from the Iterable collection each time you want to iterate over the elements. However, as a quick fix:

private static <T> Iterable<T> iterable(final Iterator<T> it){
     return new Iterable<T>(){ public Iterator<T> iterator(){ return it; } };

     // ...
     // Now we can use:
     for ( X x : iterable(it) ){
        // do something with x
     // ...

That said, the best thing to do is simply pass around the Iterable<T> interface instead of Iterator<T>

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