Python – Jupyter Notebook Opens Empty Browser


Before I've installed python 3.6 and update all (conda update –all) my Jupyter Notebook just stopped to works. When I launch it, just an empty browser page appears. I tried all solutions that I found, but they don't work. I have deleted %USERBLABLA%, clear cache and cookies, uninstall and install it again and it still doesn't work. Browser console prints this errors:

Refused to execute script from '<URL>' because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled

Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
at VM17 tree:24

Best Answer

You should check the version of Notebook on Anaconda Navigator. If it's 5.7.6 then you should downgrade the notebook's version to 5.7.4 by using the Anaconda Navigator.

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