C# Null Coalescing Operator – What Does Coalescing Mean in ?? Null Coalescing Operator?


I'm tempted to lie and say that English is my second language, but the truth is that I just have no idea what 'Coalescing' means. I know what ?? 'does' in C#, but the name doesn't make sense to me.

I looked up the word and I understand it to be a synonym for 'join'. 'Null Join Operator' still doesn't make sense.

Can someone enlighten me?

Best Answer

I'm tempted to lie and say that English is my second language...but the truth is that I just have no idea what 'Coalescing' means. I know what ?? 'does' in C#, but the name doesn't make sense to me.

I looked up the word and I understand it to be a synonym for 'join'.

I'd say a more accurate description of "coalesce" would be "to form one thing from different elements". The "coalescing" of the ?? operator happens because a single value is always resolved from one of the two values. The first non-null value is the result.

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