Delphi VCL Styles – Program Icon Curious in Title Bar Fix


Using Delphi XE7 on a Windows 7 Pro 64-bit system.
If I choose 'Charcoal Dark Slate' VCL style, the 16×16 pixel titel bar icon down-sized from the 32×32 program icon looks not like expected.
enter image description here

It should look like the small icon below. If I load the program icon in 16×16 pixel format, it looks good in the titel bar, but ugly in the task bar because of the 16 to 32 pixel enlargement.

Best Answer

This is known issue with VCL Styles

Also see this issue in Embarcadero's newer QC site: --- it's been 3 years since initially reported, and still not fixed. If enough people vote for that issue, maybe it will get some attention.

As workaround you can load proper 16x16 icon into form's Icon property.

In order for that to work you have to also set Application.MainFormOnTaskBar := false; in your .dpr file

However that has some other undesirable effects because it will disable Windows Vista or Windows 7 Aero effects, including live taskbar thumbnails, Dynamic Windows, Windows Flip, and Windows Flip 3D. See: MainFormOnTaskBar

In any case do not change your application icon size because it is the worst solution.

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