Python Flask – How to Serve Static Files


I'm trying to serve a static file using flask. I don't know how to use the url_for function. All my routes generating dynamic content are working fine, I've imported url_for, but when I have this code:

def home():
    return url_for('static', filename='hi.html')

Along with my 'hi.html' file (which has some basic html in it) sitting in directory static, what I get when I load the page is literally this:


Am I just using url_for incorrectly?

Best Answer

url_for just returns, precisely, the URL for that file. It sounds like you want to redirect to the URL for that file. Instead, you are just sending the text of the URL to the client as a response.

from flask import url_for, redirect

def home():
    return redirect(url_for('static', filename='hi.html'))
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