.NET Naming Conventions – Should a Class Have the Same Name as the Namespace?


I'm designing a namespace to hold a set of classes that will handle user related tasks for a several different applications. (Log-in, authenticate etc)

The problem is the namespace will be called Fusion.User but then it requires a class in that namespace that makes sense to call User.

Should you have a class with the same name as the namespace? Or am I taking the wrong approach here?

Best Answer

Having class named in the same way as the name space (package) may lead to a thought that class is central to the package. But if I get it correctly User is just a data object in your case.

As far as I see you have 2 options:

  1. Name your name space differently e.g. Fusion.Security
  2. Use suffix for class name indicating its purpose e.g. UserDTO, UserAction etc.
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