iOS – Fixing Entitlements Specified Error (0xE8008016)


I am getting the 'dreaded' error The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.
when trying to deploy my first app to an un-jailbroken device on iOS 4.2.6 (Verizon). The thing is, I do not have a Entitlements file in my project, as I am not distributing it at all, only putting it on one device. I have gone through all the hoops and loops apple puts you through (certificate, device, provisioning) down to the letter, and I cannot figure out what is going wrong.

Can anyone please help me with this problem?

Best Answer

Just came across this issue myself, the problem was that I had a Entitlements.plist file in the project as part of an ad hoc distribution, and its get-task-allow (ie. 'can be debugged') property was set to NO - setting this to YES fixed the issue and allowed the app to run from Xcode4 on the device in development.

Naturally need to set it back to NO for ad hoc distributions, but just thought I'd mention it in case anyone else comes across the same problem.