Python Generator – What is the Result of a Yield Expression in Python?


I know that yield turns a function into a generator, but what is the return value of the yield expression itself? For example:

def whizbang(): 
    for i in range(10): 
        x = yield i

What is the value of variable x as this function executes?

I've read the Python documentation: and there seems to be no mention of the value of the yield expression itself.

Best Answer

You can also send values to generators. If no value is sent then x is None, otherwise x takes on the sent value. Here is some info:

>>> def whizbang():
        for i in range(10):
            x = yield i
            print 'got sent:', x

>>> i = whizbang()
>>> next(i)
>>> next(i)
got sent: None
>>> i.send("hi")
got sent: hi
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