C++ – Underlying Type of an Enum in C++11


I've been trying to read a bit of the C++ standard to figure out how enum's work. There's actually more there than I originally thought.

For a scoped enumeration, it's clear that the underlying type is int unless otherwise specified with an enum-base clause (it can be any integral type).

enum class color { red, green, blue};  // these are int

For unscoped enumerations, it seems like the underlying type can be any integral type that will work and that it won't be bigger than an int, unless it needs to be.

enum color { red, green, blue};  // underlying type may vary

Since the underlying type of unscoped enumarations are not standardized, what's the best way of dealing with serializing instances of one? So far, I've been converting to int when writing then serializing into an int and setting my enum variable in a switch when reading, but it seems a bit clunky. Is there a better way?

enum color { red, green, blue };
color c = red;
// to serialize
archive << (int)c;
// to deserialize
int i;
archive >> i;
switch(i) {
  case 0: c = red; break;
  case 1: c = green; break;
  case 2: c = blue; break;

Best Answer

enum class is a C++0x feature, it is not present in C++03.

In standard C++, enumerations are not type-safe. They are effectively integers, even when the enumeration types are distinct. This allows the comparison between two enum values of different enumeration types. The only safety that C++03 provides is that an integer or a value of one enum type does not convert implicitly to another enum type. Additionally, the underlying integral type, the size of the integer, cannot be explicitly specified; it is implementation defined. Lastly, enumeration values are scoped to the enclosing scope. Thus, it is not possible for two separate enumerations to have matching member names. C++0x will allow a special classification of enumeration that has none of these issues. This is expressed using the enum class declaration

Examples (from the wikipedia article):

enum Enum1;                   //Illegal in C++ and C++0x; no size is explicitly specified.
enum Enum2 : unsigned int;    //Legal in C++0x.
enum class Enum3;             //Legal in C++0x, because enum class declarations have a default type of "int".
enum class Enum4: unsigned int; //Legal C++0x.
enum Enum2 : unsigned short;  //Illegal in C++0x, because Enum2 was previously declared with a different type.

As for the serialization part (which I think was not part of the original question), I prefer to create a helper class that translates enum items into their string equivalent (and back), as the names are usually more stable than the integer values they represent, as enum items can be (and sometimes are) reordered without changing the code behavior.