C++11 – Using Rvalue References


I would like to implement a function that fills up a vector and then returns an rvalue reference. I tired something like:

std::vector<int> &&fill_list() {
  std::vector<int> res;
  ... do something to fill res ...
  return res;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  std::vector<int> myvec = fill_list();
  return 0;

but that doesn't work, I get the following error:

error: invalid initialization of reference of type 'std::vector<int>&&' from expression of type 'std::vector<int>'

So, all in all, how is the right way of doing it? I don't think I get rvalue references just yet.

Best Answer

You seem to be confused as to what an rvalue reference is and how it relates to move semantics.

First thing's first: && does not mean move. It is nothing more than a special reference type. It is still a reference. It is not a value; it is not a moved value; it is a reference to a value. Which means it has all of the limitations of a reference type. Notably, it must refer to a value that still exists. So returning a dangling r-value reference is no better than returning a dangling l-value reference.

"Moving" is the process of having one object claim ownership of the contents of another object. R-value references facilitate move semantics, but simply having a && does not mean anything has moved. Movement only happens when a move constructor (or move assignment operator) is called; unless one of those two things is called, no movement has occurred.

If you wish to move the contents of a std::vector out of your function to the user, you simply do this:

std::vector<int> fill_list() {
  std::vector<int> res;
  ... do something to fill res ...
  return res;

Given this usage of fill_list():

std::vector<int> myvec = fill_list();

One of two things will happen. Either the return will be elided, which means that no copying or moving happens. res is constructed directly into myvec. Or res will be moved into the return value, which will then perform move-initialization of myvec. So again, no copying.

If you had this:

std::vector<int> myvec;
myvec = fill_list();

Then again, it would be moved into. No copying.

C++11 knows when it's safe to implicitly move things. Returning a value by value rather than by reference or something is always a safe time to move. Therefore, it will move.