C# – Difference Between Convert.ToInt16 and (Int16)


I had following piece of code

  object s = new object();
  s = 10;
  Console.WriteLine("{0}", Convert.ToInt16(s));
  Console.WriteLine("{0}", (Int16)s);
catch (InvalidCastException ex)

on the basis of which I have lots of questions..
1) Is Convert.ToInt16() and (Int16) both are Unboxing operations
2) If both are related to Unboxing then why they are different. Because the above code shows the following error when Console.WriteLine("{0}", (Int16)s); line is complied
Specified cast is not valid
3) As i know (Int16) is conventional casting and Convert.ToInt16() is Type safe conversion. But what makes these different here?
Maybe it's a silly question but I'm confused. Please clarify this for me and correct me where I'm wrong.

Best Answer

The numeric literal 10 is treated as an integer, and more specifically an Int32. Though you typed your variable as object, under the covers it is still the integer. You can only unbox a value type to its same type, or to a nullable version of that type, directly.

For example, this code:

int i = 10;
object o = i;
short j = (short)o; 

Will not execute, because the original value of i is not a short, it is an integer. You have to first unbox to integer, then you can cast to short.

short j = (short)(int)o;

Convert.ToInt16 sidesteps that issue, and the way it does it is an implementation detail. However, that method has multiple overloads that accepts multiple types, including strings, so it is not the equivalent of code using a direct cast.

Edit: I noticed I'm mixing terms here, so just so it's clear for a novice C# reader, the names short and Int16 are interchangeable for a 16 bit integer, as are the names int and Int32 for 32 bit integers. In C#, short and int are aliases for the .NET types Int16 and Int32, respectively.