GitHub Repository vs Git Bare Repository – Differences


In github repository, we can git push git pull operations, at the same time, we can commit to the repository through the web UI. It seems that the github repository works as bare repository and working repository at the same time?

However, in git bare repository, we cannot commit directory to the repository.

So, my question is

What's real difference between github repository and git bare repository?

Best Answer

It seems that GitHub repository can work as working repository and bare repository at the same time, does that mean GitHub repository is developed from git bare repository

No, Git repos on GitHub are bare, like any remote repo to which you want to push.

Their web interface shows you a representation of the git repo content, and they might a temporary working tree to modify files directly from the web UI (for their inline edit introduced initially in 2011), but it is their own internal mechanism.
From a client's perspective, you can see those as classic bare repos.