Custom Exceptions in Python – When to Declare and Use


I want to raise exceptions that communicate some message and a value related to the error. I'm wondering when it's most appropriate to declare custom exceptions versus using the built-ins.

I've seen many examples like this and many more like it being recommended on other sites.

class NameTooShortError(ValueError):

def validate(name):
    if len(name) < 10:
        raise NameTooShortError(name)

I am much more inclined to write code such as:

def validate(name):
    if len(name) < 10:
        raise ValueError(f"Name too short: {name}")

My instinct would be to only declare custom exceptions if complex or specific information needs to be stored in exception instances. Declaring empty classes seems wrong to me.

Best Answer

There are two questions merged into one: How often should I use custom exceptions (to not overuse them)? and Should I actually ever prefer custom exceptions (to the builtin ones)? Let's answer both.

Custom exception overusing

The blog post from Dan Bader you linked is a great example of how it should not be done. An example of overusing of custom exceptions. Every exception class should cover a group of related uses (ConfigError, BrowserError, DateParserError). You definitely shouldn't create a new custom exception for every particular situation where something needs to be raised. That's what exception messages are for.

Custom vs. builtin exceptions

This is a more opinion-based topic and it also highly depends on the particular code scenario. I will show two interesting examples (out of possibly many) where I consider using a custom exception can be beneficial.

01: Internals exposure

Let's create a simple web browser module (a thin wrapper around the Requests package):

import requests

def get(url):
    return requests.get(url)

Now imagine you want to use your new web browser module in several modules across your package. In some of them you want to catch some possible network related exceptions:

import browser
import requests

except requests.RequestException:

The downside of this solution is that you have to import the requests package in every module just to catch an exception. Also you are exposing the internals of the browser module. If you ever decide to change the underlying HTTP library from Requests to something else, you will have to modify all the modules where you were catching the exception. An alternative to catch some general Exception is also discouraged.

If you create a custom exception in your web browser module:

import requests

class RequestException(requests.RequestException):

def get(url):
        return requests.get(url)
    except requests.RequestException:
        raise RequestException

then all your modules will now avoid having the disadvantages described above:

import browser

except browser.RequestException:

Notice that this is also exactly the approach used in the Requests package itself - it defines its own RequestException class so you don't have to import the underlying urllib package in your web browser module just to catch the exception it raises.

02: Error shadowing

Custom exceptions are not just about making code more nice. Look at (a slightly modified version of) your code to see something really evil:

def validate(name, value):
    if len(name) < int(value):
        raise ValueError(f"Name too short: {name}")

    return name

Now someone will use your code but instead of propagating your exception in case of a short name he would rather catch it and provide a default name:

name = 'Thomas Jefferson'

    username = validate(name, '1O')
except ValueError:
    username = 'default user'

The code looks good, doesn't it? Now watch this: If you change the name variable to literally any string, the username variable will always be set to 'default user'. If you defined and raised a custom exception ValidationError, this would not have happened.

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