SQL – Which is Better: Left Outer Join or Right Outer Join?


We can get the same result in both these ways..

Table_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Table_2

Table_2 RIGHT OUTER JOIN Table_1

If we can get the same result why to use right outer join ? Which one is better ?

Best Answer

As others have pointed out already LEFT OUTER JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN are exactly the same operation, except with their arguments reversed. Your question is like asking whether it is better to write a < b or b > a. They're the same - it's just a matter of preference.

Having said that, I find that most people are more familiar with LEFT JOIN and use it consistently in their SQL. Some people even find it quite difficult to read if there is suddenly a RIGHT JOIN in the middle of a query, and it causes them to have to stop and think what it means. So I'd suggest that given an equal choice between the two options, prefer to use LEFT JOIN. Being consistent will make it easier for other developers to understand your SQL.

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