Why Are Coredump Files Not Generating in Linux?


I have a situation here, a few days back I was able to see a core- dump file on my target board, I have enabled the core-dump generation by adding "ulimit -c unlimited" to my /etc/profile.

But then someone told me, this will only take affect for program launched from a login shell, not for processes/services started by systemd, etc. and the ulimits are set at another location.

So I changed /etc/limits file and added ulimit -c unlimited line, but still I could not see core-dump file.

I am running kill -9 $$ to generate segmentation fault and it in turn will generate core-dump file as it was doing earlier.

We tried changing "/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern" file and running ulimit -c unlimited explicitly but this was not enough.

Where we are going wrong?

Best Answer

kill -9 will not generate a core file. The command kill -l gives a list of supported signals. kill -6 or kill -SIGABRT should produce a core file. As well as most other signals such as kill -BUS, kill -SEGV, etc.

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