C++ Programming – Why Delete is Needed in Copy-Assignment Operator


I am a C++ beginner. And I am doing the exercises in C++ Primer (5th Edition). I found a reference to
Exercise 13.8 from Github (Here), which is shown below.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class HasPtr {
    HasPtr(const std::string &s = std::string()) : ps(new std::string(s)), i(0) { }
    HasPtr(const HasPtr &hp) : ps(new std::string(*hp.ps)), i(hp.i) { }
    HasPtr& operator=(const HasPtr &hp) {
        std::string *new_ps = new std::string(*hp.ps);
        delete ps;          // I don't know why it is needed here? 
                            // But when I delete this line, it also works.
        ps = new_ps;
        i = hp.i;
        return *this;

    void print() {
        cout << *(this->ps) << endl;
        cout << this->i << endl;

    std::string *ps;
    int i;

int main() {
    HasPtr hp1("hello"), hp2("world");
    hp1 = hp2;
    cout << "After the assignment:" << endl;

What makes me confusing is the HasPtr& operator=(const HasPtr &hp) function. I don't know why delete ps; is needed here. I thought it was an error, but it worked when I compiled the code. However, it also works when I delete the line of delete ps;. So, I do not know whether delete ps; is needed and what is the advantage if it is reserved.

Best Answer

HasPtr::ps is an heap-allocated std::string pointer.

It is allocated and constructed using new in all HasPtr constructors. Therefore, when HasPtr::ps gets replaced by another heap-allocated pointer, the existing memory has to be released using delete to avoid memory leaks.

Note that, in modern C++, you should almost never use new and delete for managing objects like this. Use smart pointers instead, like std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr, which take care of memory management for you, safely and conveniently.

I still suggest getting familiar with new and delete, as an huge amount of existing code makes use of them. cppreference.com is a great place to find detailed information about the language.

As Jan Hudec mentioned in the comments, it is generally pretty silly to store an std::string on the heap - std::string is a wrapper around an heap-allocated character array, which already manages the memory for you.