Java Performance – Why Algorithm Becomes Faster After Multiple Executions


I have a Sudoku solving algorithm for which my goal is to make as fast as possible. To test this algorithm, I run it multiple times and calculate the average. After noticing some weird numbers, I decided to print all times and got this result:

Execution Time : 4.257746 ms (#1)
Execution Time : 7.610686 ms (#2)
Execution Time : 6.277609 ms (#3)
Execution Time : 7.595707 ms (#4)
Execution Time : 7.610131 ms (#5)
Execution Time : 5.011104 ms (#6)
Execution Time : 3.970937 ms (#7)
Execution Time : 3.923783 ms (#8)
Execution Time : 4.070238 ms (#9)
Execution Time : 4.765347 ms (#10)
Execution Time : 0.818264 ms (#11)
Execution Time : 0.620216 ms (#12)
Execution Time : 0.679021 ms (#13)
Execution Time : 0.643516 ms (#14)
Execution Time : 0.718408 ms (#15)
Execution Time : 0.744481 ms (#16)
Execution Time : 0.760569 ms (#17)
Execution Time : 0.80384 ms (#18)
Execution Time : 0.75946 ms (#19)
Execution Time : 0.802176 ms (#20)
Execution Time : 66.032508 ms : average = 3.3016254000000003

After 10 to 15 executions (it varies randomly), the performance of the algorithm is drastically improves. If I run it several hundred times, it will eventually steady at around 0.3ms. Note that I run the algorithm once before this loop for JIT to do it's thing.

Furthermore, if I make the thread sleep for 2 seconds before running my loop, all my times are at 1ms (+/- 0.2).

Furthermore, if I solved a generic Sudoku (a grid with 1-9 diagonally) some 500 times before my loop, all my times are around 0.3ms (+/- 0.02).

Every solve is identical. All values are reset.

So my question is many-fold:

-Why does each solve time improve after consecutive solves?

-Why do I have a sudden drop in solve time after 10-15 solves?

Best Answer

This is because JIT is compiling that method after JVM makes certain number of frequent calls to that method. In practice methods are not compiled the first time they are called. For each method JVM maintains a call count ,which is incremented every time the method is called. The JVM interprets a method until its call count exceeds a JIT compilation threshold. As the call count reaches threshold , JIT compiles and optimizes the bytecodes so that it run faster when next time it is called by JVM. Therefore, in your case the performance of the algorithm is drastically improving after every 10 to 15(at random) executions.