C# Array.Sort() vs LINQ – Performance Comparison


I made quick testing application to compare LINQ sorting to Array.Sort on my custom objects.
Array.Sort seems extremely slow!

I made my custom class like this:

class Person : IComparable<Person>
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int CompareTo(Person obj)
        return this.Age.CompareTo(obj.Age);

    public Person()
    { }


Then i made my testing persons in main() :

string name = "Mr. Tomek";

Random r = new Random();
int size = 10000000;

DateTime start, end;
Person[] people1 = new Person[size];
Person[] people2 = new Person[size];

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
     people1[i] = new Person();
     people1[i].Age = r.Next(0, 10000);
     people1[i].Name = name;

     people2[i] = new Person();
     people2[i].Age = people1[i].Age;
     people2[i].Name = people1[i].Name;

After that i have measured time taken to Sort by Array.Sort and by LINQ:

start = DateTime.Now;
var sort = from s in people2
           orderby s.Age
           select s;
end = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("LINQ: ");
Console.WriteLine((end - start).TotalMilliseconds);

start = DateTime.Now;
Array.Sort(people1,((Person p1, Person p2)=>{return p1.CompareTo(p2);}));
end = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine("IComparable: ");
Console.WriteLine((end - start).TotalMilliseconds);


Linq time: about 1 or 2 miliseconds

Array.Sort: over 16 SECONDS!

All arrays are sorted (LINQ produces new collection and leaves oryginal array unsorted) but Array.Sort is extremely slow! How could it be explained? (in DEBUG and RELEASE mode Array.Sort fails extremely)

I pasted code with lambda expression when sorting with Array.Sort but it's the same with and without it. (Class Person implements IComparable interface)

Best Answer

Your Linq query doesn't even get executed because you don't get the results. That's called deferred execution. The query is only executed when you actually enumerate over the results.

Use something like var results = sort.ToArray() to execute the query, then you will get more accurate results.

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