JavaScript Performance – Why Looping Through an Array is Faster Than Native indexOf


Why is looping through an Array so much faster than JavaScript's native indexOf? Is there an error or something that I'm not accounting for? I expected native implementations would be faster.

                For Loop        While Loop      indexOf
Chrome 10.0     50,948,997      111,272,979     12,807,549
Firefox 3.6     9,308,421       62,184,430      2,089,243
Opera 11.10     11,756,258      49,118,462      2,335,347

Best Answer

5 years from then, lot of changes happened in browsers. Now, indexOf performance has increased and is definitely better than any other custom alternative.

Version 49.0.2623.87 (64-bit)

Chrome Version 49.0.2623.87 (64-bit)

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