Why std::nullopt_t is Part of the C++ Standard


I don't understand the reasoning for the inclusion of std::nullopt_t in the standard. Does it exist strictly for convenience, or is it required in some niche circumstances?

To be clear, I understand that it is used as an argument to construct empty std::optional objects. But considering a default constructor for std::optional already exists, there seems to be no obvious motivation for the existence of std::nullopt_t. Must such a constructor and assignment operator exist for std::optional to conform to a particular concept? If so, which concept?

Best Answer

nullopt_t is the type of nullopt which indicates disengaged optional state. nullopt allows disambiguating overloads such as (example from the optional proposal):

void run(complex<double> v);
void run(optional<string> v);

run(nullopt);              // pick the second overload
run({});                   // ambiguous
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